Are you too busy to work out? You too.
I own a business, consult with highly successful companies, assist clients and write books. I have a family. I am married with responsibilities. These are not complaints. These are facts.
The fitness industry has been my passion for the past 15 years. Every day, I get up at 4:30 to start the day. It is an understatement to say I am ready. Early rising is both an option and a necessity.
When there are no distractions, I do my best work in the morning. I also have a business that requires me on both coasts to work. I love my job. I enjoy training hard, eating well, and everything else that comes with the fitness industry. This makes my job so much more enjoyable in many ways.
However, my job these days is not spent at the gym. I spend my time between squat racks and not on the gym's floors. Yes, I still love training people, but the gym is not my home.
When I tell people that I have been unable make it to the gym, they look at me as though something is wrong.
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This would normally not be a problem. There are times when people can't learn. It happens. It's normal. It's normal. It's okay to miss a day at the gym. What happens when a gym day turns into 2 days, a week or a month?
It happens all the while, and we one day wake up to ask "What's the matter?" Who has been shrinking my pants?
This is where I am right now. (Ok, my pants fit perfectly. It's 4.54 AM and I am looking at my computer screen, asking "What's the matter?"
There is no such thing as bad news, even though you were told otherwise.
The Myth of the Fool -
The Proof Fitness Strategy
It's not, "7 Ways To Make Sure You Never Miss A Workout"
This is honesty. It's how you deal with situations that are real and when you don't know how to respond. We often blame lack of support, drive or laziness. These can all contribute to fitness failures. But sometimes, there is nothing to be blamed.
It's a fact that I have rarely felt more supported in my goals. Six weeks ago, I began my Getting Shredded Project. In case you haven't seen it, my wife gave me a challenge that I was happy to accept. It was a topic I had to write about, and the response was overwhelming. I received hundreds of requests to join my journey so I created a community that I could answer daily questions and had people follow my diet plan.
I have found the Getting Shredded community to be one of my greatest "accidents". The people there are incredible and their gratitude is amazing. Every day, I see things like:
Also, I wanted to thank you for what you do. There is a lot more bad information than good. This is something I have learned. It is nice to know that someone is trying to sort through the junk to help people determine what is true and false. -Carrie
It is amazing how well-designed and organized the information is. It seems like these people are the kind of people who should be communicating with each other. You are a great forum man! -Garrett
This program is amazing! I am losing weight, already down 4-5lbs. The nutrition is amazing. The workouts are amazing. Every time I train, I am able to improve and push myself further. It is a great privilege to be able to ask questions and receive the answers directly from you. This is the best form of programming that I have ever done. -Tim.
It's not a excuse to be busy. It's a way of life.
It was not that long ago that my old mantra, "Being busy doesn't excuse" didn't hold true. However, its meaning has changed. People who know me will be surprised to learn that I don't use the "B" term. It's a crutch that I detest. Because we're all busy, it's a silly joke. Yes, every single one of us.
Busy is not an excuse. It's a fact. Sometimes we get too busy.
We must decide our priorities, then make hard decisions. We are the CEO of our own lives and can make difficult decisions because there is no other option that meets all our needs.
In my case, I had to choose between Gym or Queen of Born Fitness.
My wife will always be my priority over the gym.
My work cannot be ignored in this situation. Every name I have on it is a representation about me. I will push myself to do more than what anyone expects. This is my formula to success.
My fitness was affected. My mind didn't believe I was demeaning people who were working hard. I believed I was selflessly serving their needs by checking in every day, giving the workouts and offering my assistance.
However, I began to realize that my seemingly selfless acts of kindness were actually selfish and possibly harmful as I was unable to go to the gym for more days.
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